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Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to our customer support team or join our discord community.

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What is BurntBase?
Burnt Base is a site geared towards helping Clashers defend enemy attacks and learn various army compositions and attack strategies to increase their chances of getting 3-star attacks. It gathers all these resources in one place for easy access.
Do I need to sign up, is it FREE?
Signing up is required and basic services are free. Right now we are in beta and all features are free.
How often are videos added to BurntBase?
Our bot runs 24/7 and catalogs new 3 star attacks hourly. If it is a YouTube channel we follow the attacks should be available within 1-12 hours. We add more and more channels as they are discovered. If you know of a channel that is not in our database just let us know and we may be able to include it.