Clash of Clans 3-Star Victories
Used by the top clans. BurntBase is the Clash of Clans tool that helps you strategize against used bases and build up your defenses so you don't get burnt.
Dominate Clan Wars with our Clash of Clans Tool
Spend less time strategizing and more time practicing your attacks. Our tool for Clash of Clans allows your to view exact 3-star attacks on your opponents base.
It's Easy!
Our tool is super easy to use.
Take a Screenshot
- Take a screenshot of your enemies base using your Android, iPhone, or any other compatible device.
Upload The Screenshot
- Use our website, discord bot, or mobile app to upload your screenshot
Watch Attacks
- We do the work for you. Our app will scan your base image, and return a list of youtube videos that show the exact base you uploaded with a three star.